Welcome to WarmOven Blog
Welcome To WarmOven!
Your own neighborhood bakery in Bangalore. We bake fresh cakes and pastries and deliver it to your doorstep, all in less than a few hours.
Your Choice of Cake
In all likelihood, you may not find the cake of your choice when you visit your local bakery. You are forced to purchase a cake from one of the few that are on the shelf. With us, you can order a cake that is of your preference and not restricted by what is available.
WarmOven offers you a wide variety of cakes to choose from, most of them available for immediate delivery.
Freshness Guaranteed
A cake tastes best when it is fresh. When you purchase a cake from a nearby bakery, most likely the cake has been sitting on the refrigerated shelf for a few hours and may very well have been prepared 18 to 24 hours before. This is one of the major reasons for inconsistency in the taste of cakes.
WarmOven guarantees a freshly baked cake, prepared a couple of hours before delivery, that is delicious.
Convenience of home delivery
Be it a midnight surprise for a friend, or a cake for yourself, we will deliver the cake in the allotted time slot. No driving around the city finding the cake of your can you get rid of herpes choice, no parking problems and no hassle of running around for the cake just before the party.
WarmOven will home deliver the cake for you when you want it…..!